2 February 2025 - Society
Wildlife and Conservation Showcase
The Longstone Parish Wildlife and Conservation Showcase will be held in the Village Hall, starting at 7pm on Monday 10th March 2025.
Great Longstone is located approximately 2.5 miles north of Bakewell. Now it is a quiet residential village, set around a series of small greens and the village playing fields and provides services to the nearby hamlets of Rowland, Hassop and Little Longstone.
The village lies under the ridge of Longstone Edge that rises to some 400m high. It has some charming old limestone cottages along the main street, a handsome Georgian manor house and the church of St Giles dating from the13th century. The manor house, Longstone Hall, has its origins in the 14th century, but was rebuilt in the mid-18th century. That century was one of prosperity, with lead-mining and shoemaking. There are two public houses in the main village: The Crispin Inn, named after St Crispin, the patron saint of shoemakers, and The White Lion.
Longstone and the surrounding hamlets have changed significantly over the past 70 years. From the 1950’s to the 70’s there was a big programme of house building and significant population growth. Thornhill's Country Produce, Furness & Hassell Builders and Thornbridge Hall Teacher Training College were all significant local employers. By the 1990’s all three of these employers had disappeared, along with the local railway service that ceased in 1968, and many local people were commuting to jobs in Sheffield and Chesterfield.
As we entered the new Millennium change continues to happen. Although the population has been falling and ageing there is a range of thriving community organisations, supplemented most recently by the formation of "LASRA".
Longstone Village Hall,
Church Lane,
Great Longstone ,
DE45 1TB
The Longstone Parish Wildlife and Conservation Showcase will be held in the Village Hall, starting at 7pm on Monday 10th March 2025.
New free service being launched for collection of small pieces of electrical equipment.
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