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Village Organisations


Information about local services

1. Allotments
Great Longstone Parish Council has 15 allotments that are available to any resident of the parish at a small cost. If you wish to rent an allotment you should contact the Parish Clerk. If all allotments are allocated you will be placed on a waiting list.

2. Village Hall.
The Village Hall is a valuable amenity for the Parish and is a registered charity. The Parish Council are custodian trustees of the Village Hall but the running and management of the hall is undertaken by the Village Hall Management committee. Details regarding the amenity, the committee members, the charity and the booking of the hall are found under the Local Organisations section of this website.

3. Village Greens.
The Parish Council is responsible for the maintenance of the Village Greens. There are six portions of land adjoining main street. In addition there is West Green, next to the allotments which was given to the village by the late Mrs Vera West in 2003.

4.  Recreation Ground.
The Recreation Ground includes the children’s play area, the cricket field, the football pitches and the tennis courts. The Parish Council owns this land and is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of all these facilities.

Childrens’ Play Area.
There is an annual safety inspection of all equipment by a qualified third party. Currently this is performed by ROSPA. There is also a monthly check of equipment by one or more parish councillors. The outcome of this inspection is reported to and minuted at each Parish Council meeting and any required maintenance actioned.

5. Seating
The Parish Council is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the benches on the recreation ground, Feemouth Yard, on Spring Bank Green and West Green (adjacent to the allotments).  The Parish Council perform an annual maintenance inspection of all Parish Council owned land and property. A report is produced with a description of maintenance requirements and action.

6. Litter bins
The state of the litter bins are checked as part of the Parish Council Annual Inspection however, the responsibility for maintenance and replacement is with Derbyshire District Council. The Parish Council will report any problems to DDC

7. Memorials.
The Parish Council is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the market cross and the village war memorial as well as ensuring the wreaths are laid and maintained.

8. Other Facilities
The Parish Council own various other pieces of land around the village. Here is a summary.

Name / Location / Status
Outrake Field / West Side of Moor Lane / Let to Tenant for grazing.
Outrake Quarry / West Side of Moor Road / Let to various local building firms for storage facilities.
Gild Low & Gilder Quarry / East Side of Moor Road / Let to Tenant for grazing

9. Lighting.
The Parish Council is responsible for liaising with Derbyshire County Council with regard to any problems with street lighting or any requirements for new/additional lighting.

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