Council-wide Plans
Information about planning applications
The Parish Council & Planning Applications
Great Longstone Parish Council – as a statutory consultee of the Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) – is asked to comment on all planning applications within the Parish.
The PDNPA must take into account, but not necessarily follow, the views or recommendations of the Parish Council.
Views or recommendations made by the Parish Council must be in line with must be material planning considerations that are in line with planning law and local plans.
What do I do if I want to support, or object to, a Planning Application?
First you must view the plans and supporting documentation, all of which are available on the PDNPA’s website.
If you wish to comment on any application (support or object) you must write to, or email PDNPA.
If you do make a comment on a planning application please send a copy to the Parish Clerk – so that we are aware of your views.
If you are making an objection you will be wasting your time unless there is a valid planning reasons that can be considered.
The reason for this is that the PDNPA cannot refuse an application unless it can put forward good reasons that could be supported at appeal. If it acts unreasonably (e.g. cannot support its case at appeal) then it may have to pay costs. If an objection can be overcome by imposing a condition, that is the appropriate course of action rather than refusal.
How to comment on a planning application
Excellent information is available “online” to help you to understand what will, and will not, be acceptable grounds for objecting to a planning application. A very good guide is available here.
Some more notes on what count as “Material Planning Considerations”
Your objection must clearly relate to a “material planning consideration”. These are the only reasons a Planning Application can be refused: Material planning considerations may be that:
- there is a clear planning policy to keep or/promote certain uses
- there would be a breach of adopted plans and policies
- there would be a significant effect on an area such as: availability of public infrastructure, density (how closely the buildings are arranged), layout, siting, design and external appearance of buildings, means of access, capability of roads to cope with extra traffic, car parking, landscaping
- there is a significant effect on other individual buildings such as overlooking, loss of light, overshadowing, visual intrusion, noise and disturbance, overbearing (for example a very large extension close to the boundary with another dwelling), light pollution (particularly relevant in rural areas)
- there is impact on a specially designated area or building (e.g. “conservation areas” and “listed buildings”, and in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty) particularly how buildings relate to their surroundings.
- the planning history of the site shows relevant past problems
- there are drainage and potential flooding issues
- there are potential problems associated with contaminated land
- there are potential problems associated with serious land stability problems (where they affect the greater public, not where they affect single adjoining landowners, this is a private matter between the parties).